Sunday, July 11, 2010

WAAAGH! Da Orks! Pt. 1 - Post By Melissia

Greetings, let's talk about Orks! While I could talk about the in the Ork tongue, I don't think most people would actually want to read that (besides, my H key would start to feel neglected), so let's stick with Low Gothic.

The Ork codex, despite not being a fifth edition codex, has a lot of good things going for it-- along with being a very competitive codex, it also has the ability to create widely varying army lists that fit a huge amount of themes, while still maintaining its ability to krump skulls. This list is not built to be purely competitive, but rather, to be a mix of thematic and competitive. Hopefully I'll be able to do the other ones eventually as well, but for now, let's get right on to it:

Big Mek 
-- Kustom Force Field, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armor
Big Mek 
-- Kustom Force Field, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armor

15 Loota Boyz
15 Loota Boyz

11 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint
11 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint
11 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint
11 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint
10 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint
10 Slugga Boyz w/Nob and Trukk
-- Nob w/Power Klaw, Bosspole, 'Eavy Armor
-- Trukk w/Red Paint

Heavy Support
Battle Wagon
-- 4x Big Shootaz, Lobba
Battle Wagon
-- 4x Big Shootaz, Lobba
Looted Wagon
-- Boomgun, 2x Rokkit Launchaz, 'Ard Case, Red Paint Job

General idea behind the list:

The Lootaboyz mobs inside of battlewagons, deploying on the flanks and as forward as possible to maximize the range of the big shootaz and lobbaz on the wagons. These two squads have the best chance to deal with armour that isn't AV14, and the vehicles can put out a respectable amount of anti-horde fire.

The Big Meks ride with the 11-boy mechanized mobs, using their KFFs to keep the trukks alive long enough to get in range, and join in the fray as the Orks charge out of their trukks into melee. Two mobs can be made shootaboyz and kept on home objectives if needed, but for Orks the aggressive approach can work more than well enough, especially with 4+ cover saves given to all the trukks.

The looted Wagon is mostly there because I was figuring out what to spend those last 140 points on, but it can still be quite useful-- riding within range of one of the KFFs, it can get close enough to use its three S8 shots against enemy vehicles (providing a better chance for it to hit), or to attack infantry formations. If the enemy ignores it, it can do damage once it gets in range, and if the enemy tries to take it out, that's firepower not dedicated to killing your battlewagons or the trukks with Boyz in them. The 'Ard Case helps its survival a bit as well, and it not being open topped isn't an issue since it isn't being used to transport anyway. It's underutilized, but in a list like this it has its place.

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